Umeå, from it's best side.

On my way home from school today I was passing a park. It's an old piece of land that's been there for hundred of years, but just as I was passing I realized I've never sat my foot in it. As I looked further in to the trees I saw the most beautiful place. The sunshine was glittering through the boscage of trees, creating a magical spot right under a big tree by the end of the park. I couldn't resist the feeling of have to go there. I couldn't, and didn't wanted to, stop my feet from walking right towards it. I sat down on a bench and let my eyes wander from one beautiful view to an other. Admiring the breathtaking sight of trees filled with autumn-coloured leafs. The river calmly and silently passing by like it done through all times.
Sometimes you got to raise your eye and look around. There are beautiful places all around if you could open your eyes every now and then. Have a wonderful night everyone.
Postat av: mamsen
suck så vackert skrivet....